Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Broken Heart

Before you get too upset, this post is about Lucas telling me he could not brush his teeth because I broke his heart when I told him we did not have time to watch TV in the morning before work.  Some days it is really hard to be a parent.  I want so badly to be my children's friend and have them be happy all the time, but to be a good mom or dad you have to break a few hearts and hurt some feelings.  As a kid it is so hard to understand why things are the way they are and why your patents don't let you do whatever you want to do.  On the other hand as a parent it is so hard to understand why your child questions every little decision you make and can't understand why certain things are not allowed.  Today was one of those days that everything I said or did was questioned by either Lucas or Melayna and neither of them liked the decisions I made.  Then to end the day, Lucas asked if he could watch TV in the morning before daycare and I said we did not have time.  He then complained for five minutes until I told him he would lose TV for a week if he did not stop.  He then sat on the couch and said his heart was broken so he could not brush his teeth.  I know I am horrible!  The thing is it seems like such a small thing, but to him it is a really big deal.  He LOVES TV!  So I really did break his heart.  I am going to do the right thing and stick to what I said about no TV before daycare, but it is not always easy.  I don't remember specific times that my parents stuck to their guns, but I do remember growing to respect a no was no and if asked or told to do something I did it.  It shows what good parents I had because I don't ever remember disliking my parents, but I know we did not always get our way.  I recently asked my mom if she ever remembers disliking her parents and she said without hesitation, no.  I guess she learned from her parents so let's hope I do too.

As a side note, thank you for all the notes of support and comments.  It makes my day to read them.


  1. Wholeheartedly going through the same things here Sister! I feel your pain through and through. Yesterday we had tears because we turned off the Frozen soundtrack to eat dinner. Milan wouldn't eat. I am just too sad, he said.
    Keep up with the "sticking to your guns". Everything I read says that will pay off. Eventually. Hugs.

  2. Hmmmmm........this reminds me of a little girl looking at me with arms crossed and those big brown eyes when she didn't agree with my decision. Love and miss you baby girl!
