Saturday, May 10, 2014

Science Museum

So today we decided to try the Interactive Science Museum.  It was wonderful!  It had an area for kids with slides into ball pits, a volcano erupting, a farm with some real animals and some fake ones that you could milk, a farmer's market with baskets to collect goods and a scale to weigh the , a bean collecting area with mini-wheelbarrows, a kitchen, a bug and bird display and a really awesome Condor zipline.  The kids could have stayed all day long and did the zipline at least ten times each.  They had other areas for brain games, machines and all kinds of science projects, but we did not get to explore them very much because the kids were hungry and tired.  It was a great find in the city and not hard to get to either.  Another successful adventure.

As a side note I thought of a few more things for the crazy and different list.
-A motorcycle with four people on it.  A toddler, a man and an infant tied to the front of a woman with the toddler under the dad's rain poncho
-A woman breast feeding while walking up a hill
-Our come here wave is their hello
One of the slides

Melayna was a little scared

Too sweet not to post

Condor Zipline


Hard at work

Our Bumble bee

Bee butt

Stinging daddy

Add caption

Adorable bee and skunk

Organized graffiti

Sweet face Lucas


  1. I love the flying condor. Lucas is priceless!!!

  2. I have a video of them doing it too. Melayna laughs so hard she gasps in the end. It is so sweet.
